Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Wedding Wire Reviews
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Certified wedding photographer. Really?

Many large studios talk about their certified, experienced wedding photographers...This is how they are hired! And don't forget to pay attention to the date this was posted and when the photographer should be available for a wedding assignment. A studio will obviously rely on their few samples and consider 5 days enough time to certify someone hired from Craigslist . Just some food for thought.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Why is wedding photography so expensive?
Author: John T. Bryant
This is the age-old question that usually gets asked right after the lead-in question of “How much does it cost?” Most couples are shocked at what even decent wedding photography costs. Most think “you’re only taking a few pictures – why so expensive?” Sometimes you’ll hear “geez, that’s like $400 to $500 an hour – I don’t even make that kind of money!”
The reality is that most people aren’t aware of what actually goes into making great pictures that you’ll cherish for the rest of your days. They’re not familiar with the processes that most photographers go through – it’s much more than just showing up to take the pictures and then handing you a CD or printed proofs. There is actually quite a bit that takes place before, during and after your wedding that contributes to the final result.
Before the Wedding
Most good wedding photographers didn’t just wake up one day able to make the kind of beautiful images that you see in their wedding portfolios. Most of them started their careers with education – both formal and informal – on how to make great pictures. Professional photography is definitely an acquired skill. Most photographers spend years learning how to master their camera equipment, lighting scenarios, image composition and different posing situations that work (and ones that don’t work). Formal education is often supplemented with internships, on-the-job training and many hours spent making, evaluating and re-making picture after picture.
Having gotten this far in their photography careers, once the photographer decides to take the plunge into wedding photography, a significant additional learning effort must be undertaken to learn and perfect the science and the art of photographing weddings. Many, if not most photographers will start this process by working (usually for free) on anywhere from a few to a dozen or more weddings as a “second shooter” with an experienced wedding photographer. Much like driving an 18-wheeled semi-truck is different than driving your passenger car, making great photos at a wedding is completely different from making great pictures in a studio or for a newspaper or magazine.
Once the photographer has a handful or more weddings under their belt as a second shooter, they will often perform a couple of weddings for free or near-free as a primary shooter. It’s critical for the photographer to continue to gain experience in the dynamic wedding environment. This experience is invaluable, as you never truly understand the demands of dynamic event photography until you’re “on the hook” to deliver the final product from start-to-finish.
During the Wedding
During the wedding, your photographer (or photographers) will arrive many hours before the ceremony to capture the details – often this includes the bridal party getting ready (hair & makeup, putting on the dress, etc) as well as the groomsmen and groom getting ready. Also, as the ceremony and reception areas are set up the photographer will capture the details of the decorations, table settings, etc. Of course, the photographer(s) will then make photos of the ceremony and reception, as well as any send-off.
After the Wedding
This is the component of the process that is probably the most misunderstood by the average person, as it is the one that they have little-to-no exposure to, generally speaking. On average, your photographer will spend anywhere from two to four hours on the back end – selecting, processing, enhancing and tweaking your images – for every hour that they are in front of you. That means that an average 8 hour wedding will require, at a minimum, a total of 24 to 40 hours of work on the part of the photographer. A “one day” wedding has suddenly turned into almost a full week of work.
Other Considerations - Equipment
Most photographers will need at a minimum of two professional quality camera bodies (usually three or even four including backups), which can cost anywhere from $1500 to $6000 or more. Add to that an array of lenses costing anywhere from a couple of hundred to a couple of thousand dollars each, lighting equipment,
Here’s what the average professional photographer’s equipment bag might look like:
ItemQuantityCost - EachCost - Total
Camera Bodies – primary2$3000(average)$6000
Camera Bodies – backup1(+)$1500(average)$1500
Assorted Lenses4$800 (average)$3200
Lighting Equipment Kit1$2500(average)$2500
Add to that a robust computer and monitor plus required software, etc and the costs can be more than $20,000 just in basic equipment to be able to make, edit and process photos. And like most technology, much of the above equipment will be obsolete in 3-5 years due to advances in capabilities and industry trends.
Other Considerations – Location
This is an important one to keep in mind as well. Southern California is a very expensive place to live. Real estate alone is ridiculously expensive. Add to that the very real costs of health insurance, some of the highest fuel costs in the country, general costs of doing business (marketing and advertising, printing, utilities, etc) and you can see that it can get very expensive, very quickly just for someone to make the move into the wedding photography business.
In Closing
The intent of this article is simply to attempt to illustrate that which most couples shopping for a decent wedding photographer never realize – that there is much more than “show up and shoot” on the day of your wedding that went into your photographer’s ability to be there and make images that will be cherished for the rest of their lives.
Article Source:
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
My Wedding Photography Clients Video Testimonials!
If you are interested to see what my previous clients have to say about me and my work please click on YouTube link:
Thank you!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
What about voted "Best of The Knot”?!
Let me explain how that “prestige” Knot’s certification works!
A studio that shoots over 500 weddings and spends over $ 100.000 a year only for advertising got on average 200 brides referred from After the wedding, because studio is big multimillion dollar company, it cannot provide full personal attention to every couple. There are many times when things go wrong; of course you won’t hear about those upset brides who are on the edge of suing the studio…you will hear ONLY about the brides who provide most positive feedback.
Studio that does so many weddings a year can soon have enormous number of feedbacks posted on the website. So, when they have couple hundred positive feedbacks they are automatically “pick of the Knot” …or “Best of the Knot” …
On the other hand, photographer who limits number of weddings he/she shoots per year. Let’s say 50 weddings comparing to couple of hundreds the big studios shoot. Even if every bride is more than happy with entire service provided, a small studio simply cannot become “Best of the Knot” because number of the feedbacks provided is much smaller than what larger companies/studios will get. So basically at the end that special “Knot certification” actually does not mean that 10 out of 10 brides are fully satisfied with the service they received from the certain company/studio. It just means that the studio did many more weddings than anyone else and that might be because they can afford hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising to attract potential brides.
It is about getting every client in so that “sweet talk” and time spent with a bride at the beginning is necessary. Those high advertising costs need to be covered somehow. Now you signed the contract, that attention is not necessary anymore. Let’s be realistic…how can you keep prompt responses and excellent customer service when there is hundreds of brides waiting to get an answer to their question. Ok, let’s say they have many people hired to work with the clients. But how personal is this service. Wedding after all is very personal and one of the most important days in people’s lives.
Compare that “excellent” service to your cell phone company provider….every time you call you talk to a different person off course if you have enough time to wait on the line to actually get to talk to someone. But then again, you get what you pay for!
Here are just few samples from the reviews you can find online-if you do very deep research :D
….but I will agree with another poster here who said their sales staff is incredibly pushy.
…but I wish they had a "small business" approach because we felt a little unimportant through the process….
…pushy sales staff that have been bombarding me with phone calls and junk mail after I attended a bridal show. Not a way to win my business….
…. now it is one year later and I still don't have an album or my pictures. They promise you that you will have a person assigned to you to work with (so called “Personal photography coordinator”) but what they fail to mention is that their turnover rate is ridiculous. I have never in 18 mos dealt with the same person…
… The photographer was terrible, he showed up late and the pictures were amateur at best, then they lost my photos for several months and when the album did arrive, they had put the wrong initials on it. In the end it took me over a year and a half to get my photos and they were nothing to brag about. They gave me some money back on the pictures and the proofs, but really, I would have much rather had some decent wedding pictures to hold onto….
…. We got married in Nov 06. It is now 7 months after my wedding. The proofs came back in about 3 months. We ordered pictures from the proofs in April, it is now June. We were never told the digital wedding album would take 20 weeks to complete. I have yet to receive the pictures I ordered in April. My digital proof has been received for review. That came before the pictures I ordered! …
…. Before the wedding, they were quick to respond, and very accommodating. We've been working with them since ….. but after the wedding it just became a nightmare…
After all, it is really your decision and knowing what is really important to you. Do you prefer “Pick of the Knot” or a studio that will provide you with attention and make sure that you are important as you deserve to be!
Friday, April 17, 2009
What is a difference between Wedding Proofs DVD and Digital Negatives/High Resolution DVD?
I suggest you to be AWARE of that very important fact before signing the contract with any photographer. I heard too many stories from couples signing the contract which says that package includes Wedding Proof DVD thinking they will be able to make prints in any Photo lab. A lot of photography companies would not explain to you those professional photography terms so they get you to sign the contract. Unfortunately, after the wedding it is too late already when you realize how the actual photography package exceeded your budget.
Also, a lot of Photography companies on the market today advertise that you will receive FREE digital Negatives DVD, but then “fine print” in the contract usually states that you can receive those 12-18 months after your wedding date. Well, in this case you again end up paying more money for your prints, since most couples are just not willing to wait for a year or two to finally receive their DVD so they can make prints on their own.
I would consider this a clear scam because every photographer or company should explain in simple language to their customers what exactly they are getting for their money.
My personal policy regarding Digital Negatives is very clear; after you and/or your guests and family spend certain amount on online print orders you receive DVD for FREE. Because I am very good at what I do my online orders always exceed the limit for qualifying FREE DVD written in the contract: D
Monday, February 9, 2009
My personal "Politics" on Wedding Photography and my work
Dear Bride and a Groom,
Based on many questions that I came across while meeting potential clients I have decided to answer some of the questions that would tell you more about my services and explain why the prices are as they are, what are some important facts to know before booking a photographer, and understand “politics” of wedding photography.
How are your images captured in the camera – JPG or raw?
Most amateurs capture JPG (like your point and shoot). JPG are compressed images, so almost 70% of the image is destroyed in compression. Raw represents the whole image the camera can see. When the raw image is color corrected, the JPG that is created for printing incorporates the color correction. Only then can you take the disk to any photo processor and get the pretty pictures you are looking for.
When do I meet Mark’s second wedding photographer/shooter?
You will not meet Mark’s second wedding photographer/shooter in person before your wedding day. After our engagement photo session I will have a greater chance to get to know you enough and to be able to make the right match based on your expectations. I will choose a second photographer who is best suited to tell your story the way you want it. Also, it is very important for me the way I can work with him on your wedding day without ANY distractions of your special day!
As I already mentioned on our personal consultation, almost every competent photographer is capable of making a great picture some of the time. But what's much more important is how consistently they can take great pictures, and how well they work under the pressure and challenges of an actual wedding. That's why EVERY prospective photographer who works with me must complete thorough approval process.
If photographer passes my stringent initial portfolio review, I will take him/her to at least couple of weddings with (weddings where I have NO second shooter/assistant photographer contracted with the bride!). I then critically review his/her work to assure it meets my standards of quality. Only IF the certain photographer passes my test/high expectations, he/she is ready to photograph wedding together with me; the wedding where second shooter/assistant is contracted with wedding couple and me.
I am so confident about this approach, that I personally guarantee your satisfaction. As mentioned client’s satisfaction is the most important for me and I will not allow a second shooter to ruin the perfectionism and professionalism at the couple’s wedding day.
Some additional info or let’s rather say facts I learned in past 18 years (when making a living from photography) about a real PRO Photographer and just an average “photographer”.
Can I see a whole wedding proof collection?
Many wedding photographers have a wedding portfolio for you to look through, a collection of the two or three best shots from each wedding they've done. Especially if you are looking at a photo journalistic photographer, this is not enough to make an informed decision. You will need to see a full collection of wedding shots from one or two weddings to determine if the photographer is truly talented or just get lucky with his shots every once in a while. If the photographer does not have any former clients or a full wedding of proofs, it is probably better for you to find someone who can rather than run the risk of only having two or three good shots yourself. Also look at pictures the photographer shot at previous weddings to see if he connected with the couple and captured the mood of their day
ü Do you like this person? Not a question you should ask, but something you should consider. Your wedding photographer will be a big part of your wedding, interacting with your wedding party and your guests. Is the photographer pushy? Demanding? High maintenance? Unfriendly? How would you feel about having this person as a coworker? You will need to work very closely with your photographer, and if you feel the two of you have a personality conflict, save yourself the stress and find someone you can work with. Spend enough time with potential photographers to really get a feel for who they are and how they will treat you and your guests at the wedding. You'll want to feel very comfortable around your photographer. If you’re not comfortable with him/her you can rest assure it will show in your photographs.
ü If a photographers photos look just like 'everyone elses' they will often try very hard in other areas to separate themselves from the masses. They throw in a lot of extras in their packages to make up for their photography.
ü I don't feel like I am in competition with every other photographer because I know if you put 3 photographers in a row, taking pictures of the exact same thing, my photos will look substantially different than the other two. Too often photographers that limit what they want you to see only set you up for disappointment later because the reality of what they will do for you won't match the fantasy they lead you to believe.
ü Creative people love to be part of the creative process and I welcome that. There are MANY other photographers and mass production photography Studios on the market that prefer to work with the masses and will herd you into exactly what everyone else got, they will tell you what photos you must use and how... not my style-well-maybe sometimes I will just make a suggestion that is all!
ü In addition - Do not ask the photographer for references. After all, he/she would not give you the name of someone that he/she had a bad experience with. Ask to see thank you letters. If your photographer is a professional photographer, and has lots of experience than his/her past clients should have been satisfied with his/her services and would have sent some thank you letters.
ü There really is a lot more to being a professional photographer than buying a nice digital camera, putting up a pretty web site and charging a fee to take pictures. When shopping for a wedding photographer it's a good idea to consider what demonstrates professionalism and looking for those attributes in the photographers you consider. You may pay a little more for a true professional photographer but, in the end, it will be more than worth it.
ü Everyone can take a great photo, but real Professional makes great photos, and does so consistently.
ü Here’s the thing, photography is very much a form of art. It is much more than a wedding album or the cost prints, you are paying for someone’s talent and time. Looking for an inexpensive way to get a wedding or any event photographed is not a bad thing, hiring a “weekend photographer/part time photographer”, students or assistants for the event is completely acceptable as well. That said, an understanding should be made that when you hire someone like this, you need to accept the fact that accidents could happen, you may not get you the best quality images, they may miss critical elements of the event or be slightly out of focus, etc., these things all could happen, it is the price you pay for accepting someone of lesser talent to save some money.
Remember, it's your wedding, it's all about you, and don't be afraid to ask as many questions as you need so the job gets done right. So if you have ANY more questions please e-mail me and I will be happy to help!
Mark Fillies
Some of the questions you should ask you Wedding Photographer
I had a consultation couple of days ago and was very impressed by how well prepared the bride to be was. Below is the list of questions she had ready for me to answer.I welcome any questions brides to be have for me, since that tells me that they know what too look for and what to ask a potential wedding photographer!!!
1.What is your background, experience, and education in relation to photography?
2.Have you received any formal classroom training as a photographer?
3.How many weddings have you photographed?
4.Have you handled events of my type / size? (Ceremony and reception in one place, roughly 100 people, evening wedding at Maxims The Nancy Goldberg International Center)
5.Can I see the last wedding / event you shot?
6.What are your criteria for choosing what you would photograph at our wedding?
7.Do you bring back-up equipment with you?
8.Do you provide a written contract?
9.What are your policies regarding proofs / printing rights?
10.What are your policies regarding delivery times?
11.Is a deposit required? If so, how much?
12.When is the deposit / balance due?
13.Can we make partial payments?
14.Is gratuity included?
15.If not, what is the percentage of the service charge?
16.What is your overtime charge?
17.Any charges we haven’t yet covered (i.e., travel)
18.What are the refund / cancellation terms?
Do not feel awkward asking questions at the time of consultations. More you ask, more you will know. It is your day, it is your expense and you deserve to get what you pay for!
Important facts when looking for Wedding Photographer!
l. Will you see your photographer’s work before you sign a contract?
This is a must! Make sure you meet, and see the work of the photographer who will be shooting your wedding. Large studios usually have a pool of weekend shooters who are generally inexperienced. You may get lucky and be assigned a good one, but chances are 50/50 that you’ll be assigned an inexperience person trying to make a little extra cash.
2. Does your package REALLY include an album?
If the package includes “album design”, that means NO. If albums are listed separately on price lists, that could mean the same thing. Getting “partial credit toward an album” could also mean you will be spending a lot more money.
3. Is your photographer shooting film or digital?
Digital is far superior to film! Since digital technology is used in all printing. Film must be scanned to make a digital file to print. As a result, at least one generation of clarity is lost.
4. How are your images captured in the camera – JPG or raw?
Most amateurs capture JPG (like your point and shoot). JPG are compressed images, so almost 70% of the image is destroyed in compression. Raw represents the whole image the camera can see. When the raw image is color corrected, the JPG that is created for printing incorporates the color correction. Only then can you take the disk to any photo processor and get the pretty pictures you are looking for.
5. Are the disks you receive color corrected?
If they are not, they’re not worth your money. Some studios offer disks that are not color corrected. The vast majority of labs only accept JPGs and lab software that prints your photos but does not automatically save the color edits. When the studio gets the disk back from the printer, and passes it on to you, it doesn’t have the color edits. This means any future printing you do won’t look the same.
6. Are proofs provided to you so that you can view them and show them to your family and friends? Are they full sized or thumbnails? Do they say “proof” across the front? If you are offered online proofing, is it just for 90 days?
Look over the entire price list to determine what the package is REALLY going to cost you. All of the above can increase the cost of your wedding photography by double and become pricier than some of the better studios!